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InBody's advanced BIA technology has been validated in over 4,900 clinical studies worldwide and proven amongst the most accurate. Compared to DEXA, InBody has a high correlation to the Gold Standard method for Fat-Free Mass and Body Fat Percentage in an ambulatory population

When to Schedule Your InBody Scan

  • Best time to schedule your InBody Scan is first thing when we open at 10a

  • No food or drink or exercise the prior 3 hours to your scheduled scan

  • In the prior 24 hours normal caffeine and hydration intake

  • In the prior 24 hours NO ALCOHOL consumption

* The InBody will always give you a number, but follow these guidelines for the most accurate results

Can I Get an InBody Scan?

  • If you have a pacemaker we cannot give you an InBody scan as it could interfere with your device unless otherwise requested by your physician

  • If you are an amputee we can try to run an InBody scan but unless you can make contact with all 8 electrodes we cannot guarantee an accurate result

  • The InBody is not recommended for women when they are pregnant or menstruating 

  • Breast Implants will skew the body fat mass on the InBody results sheet

  • If you have an insulin pump you CAN get an InBody scan as the scan will not affect the functionality of your device, however it will minimally alter your overall fat mass on the result sheet.

How to Schedule Your Scan

Call Gymies Fitness Center at 317-984-3399

or stop in during staffed hours and speak to one of our staff members

10a-6pm M-Th & 10a-4pm on Fridays


The Power Behind the APP

The InBody app is free to download and use. With the InBody app it will automatically download all your InBody scans in the app and track your results. You can also enter your personal goals and based off your goals and your InBody scans it will calculate recommended Macros as well as suggested foods to eat to meet those goals.

Screenshot 2025-01-29 at 13-57-35 2025_inbody_prices.pdf - InBody Price Sheet_edited.jpg


  • InBody is NOT to be used by anyone with an implanted medical device such as a pacemaker or essential support devices such as patient monitoring systems

  • Information provided by

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